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To use this template, add the {{Quest}} template and fill in the appropriate fields. Fields left blank will not appear in articles. This infobox template uses Fandom's infobox syntax.


 | title         = 
 | image         = [e.g. "Example.jpg"]
 | imagecaption  = 
 | start         = 
 | end           = 
 | prerequisites = 
 | level         = 
 | location      = 
 | rewards       = 
 | previous      =
 | next          =

Sample output

 | title         = Example infobox
 | image         = Example.jpg
 | start         = Chrys
 | end           = Geran
 | prerequisites = None
 | level         = 5
 | location      = Earth
 | rewards       = Justice-Wrought Petals
 | previous      = A
 | next          = C
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